Webinar: Monitoring and Quality Assurance Systems for Early Childhood Education
Hosted by ECD Measure Team
POSTED January 22, 2021
ECD Measure hosted this webinar on January 21, 2021 at 8:00am ET.
The presentation slides are available in our Resources.
Speaker: Dr. Laura Johns, Propulsion
Discussant: Ms. Maya Soonarane, ADEA ICQN-ECD
With Rebecca Sayre, Dr. Abbie Raikes, ECD Measure
Thanks to more than fifty participants who joined the Together for Early Childhood Evidence webinar on developing monitoring and quality assurance systems. During the webinar, we provided background on the building blocks of quality assurance systems and discussed several examples from around the world. Participants also had the opportunity to engage in discussion about challenges and opportunities in monitoring early childhood education their own countries.